RSAnimate talks

Most followers of this blog know that I’m a fan of TED talks.  I’m also a fan of RSA organisation talks, in particular the fantastic animated talks, whereby animated videos are played simultaneously in parallel with a talk/speech on a given topic.

The animated videos, generally 10-11 minutes long, consist of speeded up video of whiteboard sketches / caricatures based on the content of the respective talk, made to appear as if drawn in real-time as the speech is given.

Further in this post I’ve embedded video links to several more RSA Animate talks.

[Updated post January 2013]
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Thoughts on ideas, brainstorming, facilitation, and crowdsourcing

Photo courtesy of ©

Having an “idea” is a uniquely human thing.  It can be fun, beautiful, empowering, motivating, exciting, artistic, valuable. *

Through personal reflection, brainstorming, facilitation and crowdsourcing ideas can be leveraged and improved upon, to the point that the outcome is far better than the initial idea.

Ideas come from creative thinking, considering the previously unconsidered, often referred to as ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking or ‘strategic’ thinking (albeit strategy in many businesses seems, disappointingly, often not to be that creative).

I enjoy the creative process of originating and developing ideas, and so wanted to pull together some thoughts on this.

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